After more than two decades of service, SORBS (Spam and Open Relay Blocking System), a pioneering force in the realm of DNS-based blacklists (DNSBL), has officially ceased operations as of June 5, 2024: learn more about the rich history of SORBS, its technical intricacies, and its eventual decommissioning.
Does it send out any e-mail message, while validating?
No, it doesn't.
Verifalia employs DNS and SMTP protocol functionalities to perform email address validations and absolutely avoids sending any email message to external mail exchangers for delivery.
Your contacts will never receive an email message from Verifalia. We verify the existence of the individual mailbox in our validation passes, without ever sending a message to them.
Well, perhaps there is more for you to see: your valuable data is safe with us.
Protecting your email data is our job. Your list will never be shared, sold, rented or even seen by anyone outside of our company. Read our Terms of Service for more details.
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