7 Effective Ways to Grow your Business through Email Marketing

Did you know that email marketing can increase sales, brand awareness, and website traffic? Satisfy the desires of customers in simple letters! We have compiled seven ways to grow your business using email marketing.

Karen J. Frost
Karen J. Frost
Marketing Specialist
November 01, 2021

Did you know that email marketing can increase sales, brand awareness, and website traffic? Satisfy the desires of customers in simple letters! We have compiled seven ways to grow your business using email marketing.

Email Marketing: 7 Actionable Ways To Increase Sales & Brand Awareness

The key to successful brand development is to involve the customer in doing business with you. This tactic is known as marketing. However, marketing is an unusual process - it requires the use of various automation tools, strategies, practices.

That being said, you must adapt to rapidly changing trends to keep your business afloat. Today, the most effective way to promote a business is email marketing, which giants use like YouTube, The New York Times, Facebook.

The ROI on email marketing is impressive. According to research by the Campaign Monitor, for every dollar you spend on email marketing, you can expect a profit of $ 44. Note that this figure is increasing more and more every year. This is why prestigious companies prefer this type of business promotion. Below you will find seven ways to grow your brand using this strategy. Before you put this knowledge into practice, let's dive deeper into email marketing and learn about all its benefits.

About Email Marketing in Simple Words

The first question that probably worries you the most is: "What are email marketing and its benefits?" Email marketing is a simple and effective strategy for promoting a brand through email newsletters. It is a top digital media tool capable of unobtrusively selling services or products, attracting and retaining the attention of potential customers, and increasing brand loyalty.

In addition to the fact that email marketing gives you a great opportunity to quickly grow your business, you get many other advantages:

  1. Cheapness. Let's say your company provides assignment writing help. In this case, you already have a customer base, and to attract them to purchase services, you can use email marketing, which is several times cheaper than advertising on TV, bloggers, or websites.
  2. Call to action. The email newsletter is fabulous for quick sales because a client can complete a purchase in a few clicks. It is enough to write a bright call to action with a link to the order form, and the result will not keep you waiting long.
  3. Ease of tracking. Programs for managing email campaigns will show how many people have opened letters and are interested in, for example, custom writing service. You will also understand if your emails need to be improved.
  4. Efficiency. Let's go back to our example about custom writing services. Have you noticed that sales standstill? Why don't you launch a 24-hour discount on services? You can report this by email. This news will force the buyer to act immediately. Note that such benefits are not available to traditional advertising.

We have listed only the main advantages of email marketing - you can feel more pleasure using the tactics in practice. If you still doubt the strategy's effectiveness, we have answered a few questions that will help you make the right decision.

What is the importance of email?

Today's shoppers make purchases based on emotional metrics. It is essential for the consumer that the product distinguishes him from the crowd, is practical, and brings pleasure. An ordinary customer has grown into a personality that needs a unique approach. An email newsletter allows you to contact a client directly, understand his values, interests and convey the necessary information. This is why email marketing is vital in 2021.

How does email marketing boosts customer retention?

According to McKinsey & Company, email marketing is 40 times more effective at attracting and retaining new customers than Facebook and Twitter. How? An email newsletter allows you to create a trusting relationship between the company and the buyer. For example, a company offers services for writing a term paper. Competent managers use customer reviews in email newsletters, proving that people can trust their brand. As a result, customers return to the company again because they know they will not be deceived here.

Best Ways to Promote Your Business with Email Marketing

Now that you are familiar with the concept of email marketing, we are ready to answer another question that concerns you: "How do I promote my business through email marketing?" Here are seven unique ways to grow your business using this strategy. You don't have to use them all at the same time. Implement the ideas based on your products or services that will best drive business growth.

Promote Your New Services Or Products

Use an email newsletter if you have launched a new product or service to the market but do not want to spend a lot on advertising. The letters indicate the new product's advantages and tell us how it will benefit your customers. To increase sales of a new product and increase awareness, you can use coupons with a limited expiration date. Be careful with product presentation. Ideally, you shouldn't talk about more than two products in your email. This way people won't get confused about the discounts they can apply for.

Show Interest in Customer

If you want to build a long-term relationship with a client, email marketing is a great solution. Show customer interest regularly with personalized emails. For example, you can create birthday greeting cards for customers and add a discount to the entire range. It is also great to send emails like "we miss you" with a discount coupon. You can send these messages to people who have not made purchases in your company for a long time. The third type of letter is a newsletter. Every month you can inform clients about events that have taken place in the company and ask their opinion on this matter.

Ask for Product or Service Testimonials

When employers hire new workers, they request a letter of recommendation from their previous job. Why? Employers need to know what other managers think of the employee. This principle also works in business. Use an email newsletter to ask buyers what they think of your product. You can then use these reviews to build your brand's reputation. The client will be pleased that his opinion is important to you.

Submit an Implementation Example

The buyer wants to be sure that the product will come in handy. Therefore, you can give examples of product implementation in emails or tell about a problem that your product has successfully solved. People trust statistics and are 99% likely to purchase your services or products.

Promote Affiliate Relationships

If you have been developing a relationship with another company over the years and want to achieve great sales for both parties, an email newsletter will help you. For example, you are a restaurant owner and partnered with a company that provides venues for weddings, graduations, birthdays, concerts, etc. In the email newsletter, you can invite customers to go to the event at this place and use the dinner package from your restaurant.

Host a Contest

Once you've established a relationship of trust between your company and your customers, it's time to start thinking about attracting new customers. With the help of an email newsletter, you can inform your customers that you will be running a competition to draw one of the products from your store. Set a condition that people who have shared this news with friends can participate in the drawing. As a result, you will increase your customer base and brand awareness.

It is much easier to sell products to existing customers. However, don't offer a product that customers have already bought. You can provide a related product. For example, your client bought a kitchen table. After a couple of days, offer your customer a discount on chairs that perfectly complement the table.

Final Words

These seven techniques will help you grow your business in no time. The main thing is to stick to the golden rule - send customers relevant content. Consider client's interests, company events, sales figures, and you can become an irreplaceable brand for your customers!

Karen J. Frost
Written by
Karen J. Frost
Marketing Specialist

Karen J. Frost is a marketing specialist and editor at a best term paper writing service, based in Toronto. She is an educated person and ready to share her thoughts and ideas with other people.

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