How to Unify Push Notifications and Email

To make your business succeed, you should build your marketing strategy in the way it will meet the high expectations of your target audience. You should consider teaming up email marketing and push notifications to communicate your brand message in a consistent and meaningful way.

Donald Fomby
Donald Fomby
March 23, 2020

What do modern customers expect from companies? They expect brands to provide them with integrated experience and an integrated communications flow. They do want to get valuable information from brands, but they don’t want to be overloaded.

To make your business succeed, you should build your marketing strategy in the way it will meet the high expectations of your target audience. You should consider teaming up email marketing and push notifications to communicate your brand message in a consistent and meaningful way.

What is a push notification? And why it matters?

Basically, push notifications are short messages that pop up on shoppers’ mobile devices or web browsers. Notifications encourage users to take a specific call to action, for instance, visit a website, complete a checkout, or add an extra item to the shopping cart. If messages are personal, relevant, and provide value to the recipients, they help to boost engagement and increase conversions.

Here are three reasons to leverage push notifications in your marketing strategy:

  • Reach a wider audience. Modern customers are more likely to subscribe to push notification than newsletters. Can you guess why? A majority of online shoppers are concerned about their privacy and do not like to provide their emails to the companies.
  • Get your messages noticed. Each day, the average office worker receives around 120 emails and ten push notifications. So if you want to grab customers’ attention, you should better send a push notification rather than email.
  • Cut your expenses. Stop wasting your money on expensive text messages. Use push notification services for free or little money.

Why unify push notifications and email marketing?

Let’s clarify one important thing. You shouldn’t substitute email with push notification. You should use these two marketing tools together. It will help you to strengthen your brand message and maximize your efforts.

Once again, you don’t have to develop a new marketing strategy from scratch. You just need to find a way to complement your current email marketing strategy with push notifications.

Best practices of teaming up push notifications and email

Now let’s discuss what steps you should take and what rules you should follow to maximize your marketing efforts and achieve high results.

Use push notifications and email to promote the same message

Do you want to convince your customers to complete a specific action? Do you want them to use a promo code or order a new product? Just repeat the same message again and again, and your customers will do what you are asking for.

Advertisers call it “effective frequency,” psychologists call it “illusory truth effect”. Both terms refer to the idea that a consumer has to see or read an ad message a number of times before taking action.

Let’s say you sell customized T-shirts and want to convince your customers that your product is a perfect gift for Valentine Day. If you send your prospects an email that says: “Get 15% off code on the best gift for your Valentine”, and then send a few similar push notifications – you will hit your goal.

The trick is that if you use a few different channels to promote the same message, your message will not irritate the customer. On the contrary, it will help you to make the recipient believe that customized T-shirt is the best romantic gift. The recipient will place an order, and you will boost your sales.

Maintain a consistent brand voice across all channels

Even though emails and push notifications suppose to deliver the same message, they must be written in different ways. The best length for the email newsletter is approximately 20 lines of text – it’s about 200 words. The best length for the push notification is about ten words.

Well, you may find it challenging to write push notifications because of strict word limits. It might be tricky for you to use fewer words to convey the same message while also trying to keep your brand voice consistent.

However, you should understand that in the age of fierce competition, it’s crucially important to build a strong brand. No matter how difficult this task is, you should maintain a consistent brand voice across all channels.

It means if you do not use shortenings and slang in email, you can’t use shortenings and slang in push notifications as well. If you write a witty email, your notifications also should sound witty. Every piece of text you create should fit your brand.

Send messages at the right times

When it comes to digital marketing, timing is everything. And when we say the word “timing”, we mean time of year, time zone, days of the week, and even hours of each day. To benefit from teaming up push notifications and email, you should understand at what specific moments your customers use their devices.

In most cases, experts recommend to send newsletters between 9 AM and 11 AM and send push notifications between 6 PM and 8 PM. Within these time periods, the engagement is the highest, so it’s more likely that customers will read your message.

However, you should remember the fact that your business is unique. You should research your target audience to find out what timing is the right one for your very brand. And if your customers live across different time zones, you should also keep that in mind when scheduling your email and push notifications.

Wrapping up
Team up push notifications and email marketing, and you will take your business to the next level. Your customers will appreciate that you provide them with integrated experience, and reward you with higher loyalty and increased sales. And, as a result, you will be able to achieve all your short-term and long-term goals.

Donald Fomby
Written by
Donald Fomby

Donald Fomby has over nine years of writing, editing, and marketing experience. Currently, he works as editor of Pick Writers, the website with reviews of top localization companies. Donald strives to inform readers of how they can make the most of their marketing budgets by using digital tools and services.

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