8 Content Writing Strategies That’ll Help You Acquire More Organic Traffic

It may seem like a strange idea to use email marketing for generating organic traffic, it is still possible and can be effective. Hence, here are the eight content writing strategies to use when you need to acquire more organic traffic through emails.

Lafond Wanda
Lafond Wanda
Content Writer
March 01, 2022

When it comes to email marketing, not everyone considers its potential to generate organic traffic. But while it may seem like a strange idea to use email marketing for generating organic traffic, it is still possible and can be effective. Hence, here are the eight content writing strategies to use when you need to acquire more organic traffic through emails.

1. Speak the Way Your Audience Does

It goes without saying that you need to speak the way your audience does if you want to be on the same page with them. Instead of trying to have a strictly corporate tone or an overly friendly one that seems awkward, find a balance between the two. If you can align your brand voice with that of your target audience, it will be much easier to connect with them.

Once you have found your voice, you will need to use it consistently in your content. Whether it's an article, a video, or something else entirely, you will need to stick to the voice you have chosen. Be consistent with it both in your emails and in the content you publish on your website and on other platforms to maximize results.

2. Diversify, Diversify, Diversify

You've probably heard it a million times by this point, but this tip is one of the most important ones. Diversify your content as much as possible. Try new formats and find new ways to approach the ones you already work with.

Here are some more specific tips on how you can diversify your content:

  • Combine textual content with visual elements. For example, use images or a video in your blog post instead of only having the text itself.
  • Focus more on the videos you create and diversify them as well. Make short videos for social media, longer ones for YouTube, and all kinds of videos for your website or blog (e.g. animated videos).
  • Recycle and repurpose your old content. Look back at what you have already used before and see what performed well. Get ideas from those pieces or update and republish them in a new format (e.g. turn an article into a video).

3. Utilize Storytelling

The power of storytelling is undeniable by this point which is why so many businesses are using it extensively nowadays. Brands want to connect with their audiences and one of the easiest ways to do that is by using emotions - storytelling is ideal for that.

You can use storytelling almost in any type of content, whether it is a blog post, an email, or a YouTube video. But considering that not everyone can be persuaded just by appealing to their emotions, it's a good idea to also combine storytelling with statistics and facts. This way, you will be able to maximize results and get the most out of the content you created.

4. Promote on Different Platforms

Just as it is essential to diversify your content, it is also important to diversify your selection of marketing channels. This is why it's such a good idea to promote on different platforms and channels. You can even cross-promote on multiple platforms (e.g. use social media to link to your website, ask email subscribers to subscribe to your YouTube channel). Here are just the most common channels, platforms, and/or types of content:

  • A website and a blog
  • Social media accounts (and YouTube)
  • An email newsletter and emails in general
  • Influencer marketing and guest blogging
  • A podcast or a webinar
  • Digital ad campaigns
  • User-generated content

5. Encourage Word of Mouth

Speaking of user-generated content, it's a good idea to encourage word of mouth. When you have people talking about you, you are pretty much getting promoted for free. This is why it's so important to have returning customers loyal to your brand that become active advocates for it at some point. Likewise, user-generated content (e.g. social media posts, reviews) can be a great way to spread the word about you.

To encourage word of mouth, ask your email subscribers to share their thoughts about your products on social media (you can even suggest a specific hashtag for it). By posting about your brand, they will be letting their followers know about you. When someone gets interested in your brand, they will search it up online and eventually get to your website bringing in more organic traffic.

6. Visualize Your Data

One thing many brands started doing recently is data visualization. For companies, this is a great way to present complicated processes and large amounts of data in a more coherent and comprehensive way that is easier for the average consumer to understand. Moreover, visualizing data can potentially help you reach new audiences and generate more traffic.

After you create an infographic and use it in your content, someone else might decide to use it in their own content while crediting you or simply share it online. When your infographic appears elsewhere online, it will be seen by users that might get interested in your brand and decide to check it out.

7. Be Controversial

While this may sound like terrible advice, it's actually the opposite. Being controversial doesn't immediately mean that you are just saying something that will upset people. In reality, it's about voicing an opinion or a fact that is not very popular and might even go against what most people believe.

This, of course, leads to an immediate reaction. People want to find out why you are saying something so controversial, and so, they start researching your company and reading what you have to say. To interest them further, you need to back up your claims with proof (usually data rather than more opinions). Once persuaded that you are right, the reader might get interested in what else you have to say and what your brand offers.

8. Stay Consistent

Last but not least, this is something you need to do with all your marketing activities: always stay consistent. Whether it's your brand voice or your posting schedule or your content formatting, you need to be consistent with the things you do in terms of digital marketing.

Staying consistent allows you to gradually create a particular brand image that will attract new audiences to your business. Likewise, consistency helps you stay organized and retain the customers you already have that, in turn, might advocate for your brand as well.


All in all, acquiring more organic traffic can definitely be a huge plus for you as it will help your website rank better in search results, will give you more prospects and leads, and so on. However, keep in mind that this is just the first step. Use the tips in this article to help you acquire more organic traffic through content writing and email marketing.

Lafond Wanda
Written by
Lafond Wanda
Content Writer

Lafond Wanda is a professional content writer, copywriter, content strategist, and communications consultant. She started young with her writing career from being a high school writer to a university editor, and now she is a writer in professional writing platform top writing reviews - her years of expertise have honed her skills to create compelling and results-driven content every single time.

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